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槁木死灰 (第3/4页)
he town 我想我早已闻名成为众人茶余饭后的笑谈 They say I,ve gone mad 所有人都在说我是一个疯子 Yeah I,ve gone mad 没错 我已经失去了理智 But they don,t know what I know 没有人会知道我所承受的痛苦 Cause when the sun goes down someone,s talking back 每天夕阳西下之时 有个人又开始他的自说自话 Yeah they,re talking back oh 就尽你们所能来攻击我吧 At night when the stars light up my room 每当夜暮降临星光洒进我窗 I sit by myself 我独坐窗前 Talking to the moon 向幽月倾吐我心 Trying to get to you 只希望你有所感应 In hopes you,re on the other side talking to me too 幻想着你也和我一样在遥远的另一边与我做着回应 Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon 可是终究依然只有黑夜与我为伴 只有远处那轮幽月明了我心 Oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh Do you ever hear me calling 你是否在某一瞬间听到过我的呼唤? Oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh Cause every night I,m talking to the moon 我每夜每夜都在向幽月倾吐着对你的思念 Still trying to get to you 我想终有一天你会有所感应 In hopes you,re on the other side talking to me too 幻想着你也和我一样在遥远的另一边 与我做着回应 Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon 可是终究依然只有黑夜与我为伴 只有远处那轮幽月明了我心 know you,re somewhere out there 我明白你已不在我身边 Somewhere far away 已经离我远去 ~~~~ 布鲁斯完全不知道超人在想什么?如果是为了