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第十章 要谈一段认真的恋爱吗 (第1/2页)
第十章 要谈一段认真的恋爱吗
Hi~~来更新啦,感觉情节要不要有点变化呢?新人物出现,看看会不会有什么火花呢?希望大家多多支持! ----------------- 两人高潮后躺在床上,空气中弥漫着性爱和汗液的味道,李晗的嫩xue仍然有一股一股的jingye流淌出来,Luis摩挲着李晗的后背,“How do you feel Han?” “Good, and tired…what about yourself?” “Yeh, feel great”,说罢Luis起身抱起李晗去往浴室,两人一同冲洗掉身上残留的爱液,Luis冲洗着李晗的私密处,亲吻着她的花丛… 出来浴室,李晗套上宽松的T恤,Luis穿着内裤,两人准备做晚饭… Luis问道“ Hey Han, can we talk for a second?” “Sure, what’s up?” “Do you like me? How do you think about me?” “Yeh, I like you. I think you are really sweet~” “Do you want to be in a serious relationship with me?” “Hmmm why you ask? Hmmm I’m not sure, we just knew each other, of course we get along very well, I know that. But I’m not sure if I want to be in a serious relationship so soon… also actually I intended to date some different people, didn’t know we can get along so well…” “Ok… you want to date different people? Like what kind of?” “I don’t know… I guess the point is just I didn’t think about getting into a relationship so soon, and I do like you tho.” “Ok, got it…”Luis准备穿上衣服离开。 “ Aren’t you gonna stay and have dinner together?” “No Han, I understand what you mean. But I need some time, w